Counseling FAQs


Is there a cost associated with counseling at Grace Life Counseling?

We want to bless our community by offering this counseling ministry for minimal financial costs for up to six sessions for Grace Life Baptist Church members. Out of respect for our counseling ministry staff and scheduling commitments, we require a $25.00 payment at the beginning of your counseling sessions. For cancellations, we request that you provide 24-hour notice. Missed appointments or failure to cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance will result in an expectation to submit another $25.00 payment before continuing your counseling sessions. If scheduling permits, non-members of Grace Life Baptist Church may access counseling for a fee of $50.00/session. *Additional fees may apply for resources when relevant.

Do you offer referrals?

Yes, we aim to help our church and community members get connected to the most appropriate resources to meet their needs. We are committed to helping those who utilize our services find good support and offer encouragement as they wait for upcoming appointments with other specialists. 

Do you report abuse?

Yes. Abuse of various forms is taken very seriously and should be reported to the appropriate authorities. Please review our limits of confidentiality for clarification. 

Do you counsel children/minors?

Yes. However, parental/custodial consent must be provided before engaging in counseling with a minor. We believe that parents are an integral part of the spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational development of a child and this will be approached as a family dynamic when possible. 

What do I bring to counseling? 

It is helpful if you bring your Bible and a way to take notes.