Spring Fling postponed due to expected rain and cold temperatures. New Date TBD

Become A Member

Become A Member

Become A Member

How To Join Grace Life

  1. Receive Jesus as Savior and obey Him through immersion baptism.
  2. Attend a Membership Matters class.
  3. Participate in an interview with Pastor Joel.
  4. Be affirmed by your Life Group.
  5. Be affirmed by our church family in a Covenant service.

Common Questions

What is a Membership Matters class?

Membership Matters is offered the second Sunday of each month at 10:30 am. It includes lunch and covers our church’s history, leadership, beliefs, affiliations, ministry opportunities, and member expectations. Childcare is provided.


I've already accepted Jesus as my Savior and been baptized by immersion in another church. Do I need to be baptized again?

No. If you’ve been baptized by immersion in another church, we ask that church to transfer your membership here. You still need to attend a Membership Matters class, participate in an interview, and be affirmed in a Covenant Service.

I've accepted Jesus as Savior, but haven't been baptized by immersion. Do I still need to be baptized by immersion?

Yes. We believe baptism by immersion (having your body briefly submerged under water) in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is an act of obedience symbolizing your faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior, your death to sin, the burial of your old life, and your resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus.

What is the interview with Pastor Joel?

Pastor Joel will interview you to get to know you and what God has done in your life. We love to hear what our members are passionate about to assist you in getting plugged in so you can serve. It also helps our staff know how to best serve you! Click here to fill out the Member Survey and bring it with you when you attend the class.

What do you expect from me after I join?

Regular attendance at services and Sunday school, a commitment to our church covenant, and a commitment to grow as a disciple of Christ through worshiping, connecting, serving, and going.

Ready to attend? Let us know.

Why We Baptize