Wednesday Nights
Adult Bible Studies (Starts at 6:30 PM):
August 7 - September 25
Biblical Manhood (Men)
Room 208 | Led by Saint Green
Learn what it means/looks like to live out biblical manhood as defined in Scripture.
Biblical Womanhood (Women)
Room 207 | Led by Mindy Dickey & Jennifer Criss
Learn what it means/looks like to live out biblical womanhood as defined in Scripture.
Christianity 101 (Coed)
Room 210 | Led by Weekly Leaders
A walk through biblical doctrine to help the new/rededicated Christian review the foundations of the Faith.
Celebrate Recovery (Separate Men's & Women's Groups)
Rooms 211 & 212
Financial Peace University (Coed)
Room 214 | Led by Grady Goolsby
Learn step-by-step how to best beat debt, save, and best steward your finances in wisdom.
Systematic Theology (Coed)
Room 216 | Led by Richard Rayburn & Johnye Horton
This course is a continuation of a year-long review of systematic theology and these foundational biblical truths shape our faith.
Children & Students (Starts at 6:30PM):
Nursery (Birth - 3 yrs)
Mission Friends (4yrs - 1st grade)
Grace Life Kids (2nd-5th grade)
678Fresh (6th - 9th grade)
MXCV (10th - 12th grade)
College Small Group (Starts at 7:30PM):
Meets in the Student Building in the Upper Room.
Music (Starts at 6:30PM):
Band, choir, orchestra and production ministries rehearse.